High School Graduation

When the principle annonced we have finally graduated we all throw our hats upWhen the principle annonced we have finally graduated we all throw our hats up

Lucky for us, our graduation ceremony was also the 10th annivacery for our high school, plus the last in person one before COVID hit. Our friends and parents filled the entire stadium hours before the ceremony started, and the local police had to come and help direct the traffic lol.

The ceremony itself was, quite exciting, it was a place for everyone to celebrate the past, present, and future all at the same time. I didn’t remember most of it to be honest, but was quite happy when the principle handed me the diploma. Using my host family’s word, I am offically an educated man now B).

Thinking back to my four years at this school, I honestly can’t recall anything significant. I took courses just as every other student in the school would, tried my best to maintain GPA, did swim and water polo for a few semesters, met some friends, and yeah, that’s about it :). I didn’t feel much of a connection to this school or my class, as most of the people I knew have gradued a year in advance.

At the time I already knew where I would be going next fall for univeristy, and was pretty excited for it. I didn’t pay too close of an attention to the ceremony, in that very moment, my mind has already wondered to college, eager to find out what my next four year is going to be like.

Uncertainty, relief, along with a bit of excitment? It was an intresting experience overall, felt this ceremony was more like a new begining, compare to an end.