Camping at Lake Perris

From right to left: Steven, Steve, meFrom right to left: Steven, Steve, me

Met Steve back in highschool, and somehow kept in touch since then. In early March finished one of his recommendation called ‘Yuru Camp’, and were talking about how cool it would be, if we could go and camp out for a night or two. As a doer himself, a days later I was informed that he is going out camping, and if I wish to join.

Of course I said yes lol, haven’t being outside since April last year, already forgot what the sun looked like :’). About a week later, I was picked up by his friend Steven, and went on this two day and one night camping trip :D.

The trip was very nice, we had hot pot on the first night we got there, took a hike half way around the lake, and played Call of Cthulhu before we went to bed.

Thinking back, I didn’t remember anything specific from the trip, just thought it was a great time talking with them both, and was a relaxing break from everything going on in my gap semester.

Steve and Steven were no doubt some of the more successful students I met, EECE in UCB, interned at Intel, Amazon, and Apple, great multi-taskers with passions towards almost everything. Nonetheless, found myself enjoying other sides of them, game enthusiasts, anime lovers, and experts in Cthulhu mythos. Interacting with them made me rethink how I should balance between school and life, how I can enjoy my time during school, while learning something new :).