Why Not [Insert Popular Platform]?

One of the blog account that I follow on WeChat :DOne of the blog account that I follow on WeChat :D

Asked myself this quesitons a few times as well, why not just post these on a WeChat offical account, Medium page, or even easier, stories on my Instagram. To be honest, I am still not sure, and would agree how mature these platforms are compare to this, how many more people I may be able to reach.

Though thinking now, perhaps I chose the flexibility/freedom over most things? On this site I get to post anything, images, videos, short/long paragraphs, even a google map if I really feel like it. Realizing that I tend to change as time progresses, having a site that can synchronusly adapt to who I am, feel this would be a better fit for the purpose on recording my life in the coming years (if I have that much time that is :’) ).

Along with that, felt some kind of pressure when attempting to post on WeChat/Instagrams, this thought of wanting to make posts I sent well polished. Here I simply do whatever I wish, without thinking about audience of these post, and how they would react towards it. Want this site to be a place to record/express myself, and less about interactions that might come after.

With that being said though, am not against posting things on social medias. I followed a few blog-like acount on WeChat and Medium, and have enjoyed them very much. Knowing that it’s more about on what you send, less on where you sent these, still in this early stage of exploring options, so wouldn’t be surprised if I change my mind later in the future. Nonetheless, formulating my ideas into words, record my life without worries, these are goals I don’t wish to change, no matter which platform I ended up using :).