Ongoing Journey - May 2023

Letting the world flow through

Started the internship right after semester concludes, compare to last week of school, had a even more hectic first week.

First day I managed to delete every file my mentor sent. Kristof at 12am in the morning.


Almost speed ran the internship lol, but it gets better :).

Second day left my phone (and credit card and wallet and work badget) at the back seat of Uber.

the driver returned it in the end (and charged it for me :')the driver returned it in the end (and charged it for me :') And third day my laptop decided to give up before I give up on my internhip. ......

Remember sitting there and thinking, wow never have I missed CMU this much lol.

Jokes aside, felt more at peace when these happned. Before internship met up with Weichen, he mentioned the term ‘letting the world flow through you’.

When we let the emotion overwhelm us, we tend to focus less on other things happening around. Imagine myself as a spectator of these events, and simply let the emotions pass through, I was able to focus on other good things happening in life.

What 海龙 once said summed it pretty well.


meet spark!meet spark!

Align goal before assigning task

p@CMU's logo iterationsp@CMU's logo iterations

Ask two content creator to asked both to redesign logos for p@, later learned other’s vision were different.

Thinking now, the better way of doing this would be - make clear on objectives and stay in sync with the people in lead, align vision before assigning tasks.

Felt this sense of frustration, the unmet need for me seems to be credibility and freedom, i wish the people who look up to me can trust me & be as free as they want.

What my role is, how are we doing it, when is this happening, and what’s the goal, four things before execution

What dad said after hearing the story, 管理者在还没有确定好方向之前,没必要让下属知道.

graduation ceremony

college graduation ceremonycollege graduation ceremony

Went back to Pittsburgh for friend’s graduation ceremony, felt a sense of nostalgia.

First time that I get to join other’s graduation, 2023 felt so far away back in 2019. Now standing at back of the auditorium, watching classmates walking up the stage to shake hands, amazing how fast time has flied.

Same thought popped up quite frequently this year, with the photo album I kept, more often than not I would realize ‘wow another month has passed’, stimulates after stimulates, before i had the chance to look back, past already in hindsight.

Tilly complaint that as she found the best place to study, the ideal routine for a student, just as she got everything figured out, her student life came to an end. Remember the blog I wrote on highschool realized it perhaps is a new chapter of life, wish everyone best of luck on their ongoing jounrey.

Cubebot, having others around your life

...I doubt I've fully grown up...I doubt I've fully grown up

Got a cubebot as a gift coming back to Seattle, started bringing it around meetings. A good fidget tool for one, also helpful as a reminder of people I surround myself with.

With location and time difference, it feels nice having something that reminds me of friends, this feeling that they are around, whenever i am in the midst of work.

2016 年离婚后,老爸把微信名从沈士超改成了慎独。一直以为是指不要一个人,聊天提到后才明白,慎独指的是在无人的时候,也能够坚守自我,心如明镜.