Ongoing Journey - October 2023

Beating games, result and journey

As I grew older, games felt more and more like a coding challenge. Most of the time I would use trainers to beat the game, shortening the time of grinding. The last game I really ‘played’ was a mobile game called Infinity Blade II back in 2015, where I beat every boss, collected all items through myself.

Talked with Tilly and she mentioned two types of people in this world, those who focus on the result and those who focus on the journey. It made me wonder if playing games would have been more enjoyable if I never learned coding, I don’t think so.

I still enjoy beating games, just in my own way now. It’s less about journey or result oriented, as long as you are having fun, whatever way works.

Trainers aside, this month I’ve reached the highest and the lowest rank in two games, on Hearthstone I enjoyed the result, and League I enjoyed the journey :)

Baking, assumptions, start small

Bill made crepe cake the other day, I took a stab at it myself.

I am deadI am dead

Found myself subpar in baking, though more so on following instructions. While living with Chen he once mentioned ‘cooking is an art, and baking is a science’, since for baking you have to follow the exact instruction, step by step.

Truth is there is no science in my world lol. When I was little my parent bought me a LEGO boat, I ended up making a plane out of it :)

The main difference is about making assumptions thinking now, I had trouble distinguishing if something was from the article or myself (hence agreeing with everything I see). University has helped tremendously, stand ups, MVPs, giving me ways to frequently check assumptions and stay reliable.

As much to my despair, there is still, science and logic in this world. And linking this back to baking, one lesson I learned is to start small. With 1/4 of the ingredient I could have known heavy cream is not the same as light cream, and a pinch of baking soda doesn’t equal to none just because I don’t have any.