
Long time no see! It's being...10 month I think, plan to restart the blog to record and reflect on my life :)

Received a video as the birthday gift; Argued with ChatGPT; Got late and thought where the anxious came from; Cooked and contniued to improve.

Got a new credit card and rethought motivation; realized that me wanting to take a gap semester was to make myself unique; felt fortunate to have this blog

Some tips and tricks I learned through job hunting with AI, from revising resume to tailoring to jobs to preparing for interviews.

Heard about friend's break up story and thought about consitency; caught up with friends in group when travelled to New York; thougth about airplane wifi and having a quiet place of my own.

Lost the blog repo so took a break; learned to take complements and critisims alike; failed at one podcast episode and thought about taking the leads ; heard aabout idea pitching and wanted to learn more

Deleted team's database, lost my phone and broke laptop, learned to align goal before assigning task, joined university's graduation ceremony, thought about having others around in life

Worked at tepper a bit more, watching people playing sports; took on a recruiting initative and learned good leader takes all blames and no credit; talked with ant and bill about relationsihp; decided to take a gap semester, felt relieved as I've moved on from the intersection.

Heard about shooter near campus and thought about emotional values; helped a friend out by listening through their journey; thinking about taking another gap semester and the tradeoff behind it; played with chatGPT and learned that the work I have never ends.

Started our semester with a conculsting project and learned about the power of cookies and empathy; chatted with Wenhao and realized I've being learning too much too fast; tracked spending and learned to make things I do fun; studied with a few friends and felt life slowing down

Learned about making quicker drafts instead of making things perfect the first try; too tired to pick up friends from airports and thought I should do less; deleted people tab, felt anxious yet, relieved?

Winter break started, checked out new coffee shops and read old articles, helped form teams in capstone and learned we are all the same, and a few thoughts now that 2022 is in hindsight

Joined friends for thanksgiving and got surrounded by love and affection, had + resolved a conflict with Nicole and learned about responbilities, planned a trip and got bashed by dad, worked with the professor to make a game non-zero sum :)

Celebrated birthday and learned I can't hide my thoughts; learned to be more confident with things I say; designed an app and realized I took too many shortcuts in life; felt frustrated by personal growth and learned to love myself.

Turned 22 and appreciated being treated special, got COVID and spend sometime with myself, tried to retain peace by focus on the present, and learned to be more expressive towards my own thoughts and emotions

Talked to a dentist about life, learned time management through finance articles, dealt with 内耗 by focus on the present, started talking about myself more in conversations.

Taking cold showers and felt little difference, tried to ask for help more, attempt to regain a sense of curiocity at things, and wish to better express thoughts and feelings directly.

Started working out and learned again to enjoy the current moment, got reminded of emapthy, thought consistency was the key to maintain relationships and, felt a relationship can be good even if it doesn't last forever.

Been politely rejected after a confession (and somehow liked the person even more), made a plan to keep friends more in the loop, updated parents on the past two years of collge, learned how to be satisfied with what you have from my TP mentees

Made 豆角焖面 and enjoyed making the meal, realized I should prioritize jounrey over result, thought about the easiest way to be smart (practice and record), thoughts on moving away from Instagram, Facebook and WeChat moments

Woke up by the fire alarm and panicked, tried to let myself feel negative emotions, talked with grandpa and how to be positive (stay simple), learned a bit about empathy, sympathy and compassion

Learned a different way to shop groceries, thought about dating, talked to parents about Information System, took some advice on work life balance from an ex-TA

Started baking with roommates, discovered 小鹤双拼, joined first in person TP showcase, hiked up a hill and felt at peace, complete 7 wins at LoR expidition mode

Heard about the idea of capsule wardrobe when I started using Notion, Notion is pretty nice for organizing things, digital wardrobe is quirky but, suprisingly helpful.

I enjoy Hexo's customizability, and wish to force myself to get started, learning that nothing will be perfect, but I can make it better through iterations.

Something new I discovered in Figma, had quite some fun playing with it, although the result is, entertaining at best lol

Camping with Steven and Steven, although doesn't remember specific moment of the trip, this sense of warmth, of not needing to worry about things coming up, of living under the current moment.

Some takeaways from frist semester being a TA. Enjoyed small interactions with other fellow TAs, made a hype video for the hackathon, guided students as a TP mentor, and dealt with burnt out (learn to have fun).

Some takeaways from frist semester being a TA. Started to embrace akward silence, practiced voice fluctuations, and learned to say 'I don't know'.

Knowing little about coding coming into the University, I didn't expect myself to have this fun creating something I had in mind. It was also, one of the turning point for me I would say? As it setted me up for things I never thought would be possible for me.

Second time being back to China, met up with Lolo & Ina, Kimi, and Grandpa. Felt time flied, and how people centric I was.

Uncertainty, relief, excitment, some thoughts during high school graduation.

First time visiting Seattle, also the first trip I planned completely on my own, some reflections, some thoughts, and things I wish I would have known before the trip.

Whenever I talk about my host family, these three puppies are one of the first thing that came to my mind. Not that they played that important of a role, but a sense of consistancy was something that always kept them in my mind.

Incase you are wondering, no I didn't write a blog post the day I was born lol. Want to use this post to talk a bit about who I am, along with my plans for this website.