Hello World
Hello and welcome! Want to use this post to talk a bit more about who I am, along with what I wish to accomplish using this website.
About Me
Really wasn’t joking when I say I am not great with self intros, but anyway lol.
My name is Yize Shen, currently a university student. As for personality, got ISFJ for Myers Briggs, and a type 6 for Enneagram.
My favorite color is grey, favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla, enjoy listening to lofi hip hop musics, play both Minecraft and Terraria, currently ranked Iron II in League of Legend, and love cats and dogs equally :].
Aside from school, usually enjoy spending time by myself. Reading, playing video games, translating, writing jounrals, etc. Though recently did start exploring things I don’t typically do, took a few lessons at a dance studio, learned a bit about acapella, watched a few series on Netflix, attempted to draw using Figma, and applied to be a volunteer at Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic. They were, surprisingly fun I would say? Do think I also appreciate making connections with people other than myself, doing things together in a group.
About This Website
As mentioned in About, was planning on using this site as a place to record my life and occasionally, thoughts and feelings.
Like any elder man you see walking on the street, I also tend to forget about things easily :’). To combat servere memory loses, started jounraling back in 2019, just to have a place to put down things I wish to remember. Overtime, felt jounraling has helped me relive my state of mind whenever I look back, so wish this website to be the same.
Aside from recording my life, want to use this website as a tool to improve my communciation skills. Compare to most people I met who are my age, often felt not as efficiente, formulating thoughts and expressing them in a concise way. Don’t think writing posts on a website would directly help me with that, but hey, for an introvert, this is a giant leap I am taking buddy :’).
Lastly, if anything, want to use this site for others who wish to know a bit about me. Consider myself pretty straightforward and simple minded, but also realized that, too often I would keep opinons/thoughts/ideas to myself, rather than expressing them to my counterparts. I don’t wish to be a mystery to most people, and especially people who I surround myself with. This website is intended to be a passive way for me to share a bit about who I am and what I’ve experienced, just incase you are curious :].
All in all, plan to use this website to record my life, practice my writing skills, and let others to know a bit more about me. Curious to see how this would go, and yeah, thanks for reading.
On a side note, if you are reading this and have a way to contact me, feel free to reach out! Would love to hear thoughts and feedbacks, if you have any :D.