

Last updated 04-12-2023.


  • Chatted with Weichen on life, he said that the underlying message behind ‘you only live once’ might be ‘avoid being out of the game’ instead of ‘taking more risks’
  • Internship has started, felt a bit intimidated by all the senior team members around me, did get to learn quite a bit in my first week
  • Checked out Capital One Cafe at Bellvue, still the best chain coffee shop in my mind :)
  • Saw the quote ‘想想一生中能同吃晚餐的人数不胜数,能一起吃早餐的人却十分有限,便下定决心要格外珍惜这些能一起吃早餐的朋友。’, still wonder what it meant.
  • Dollaya mentioned I am a ‘star’ that only stays in one place for so long, realized I really aren’t good with settling down, knowing there are so many things for me to explore still
  • Wrapped up the semester on Toggl and realized I’ve spent 115 hours on P@CMU this semester, it seems like having a passion is a big motivator for me
  • Started watching NBA playoffs during off hours, it’s crazy how accurate they are at shooting hoops


  • Went back to California during spring break, it started snowing the second I got off the airport, for a moment wonder if I got off at the right place :/
  • Finished 5lb vanilla flavored protein powder from Costco, I am never buying vanilla again in my life
  • Help hosted a hackathon at the school! It feels quite fulfilling being part of something greater than myself.
  • Started studying at Tepper School of Business a lot more, seen high schoolers playing at the football field reminded me of grandpa watching me play when I was little. Might have aged a bit too fast here lol.


  • Learned a new dish called 百合南瓜, a lot less sweet than expected would recommend
  • Chatted with 文浩! Felt happy that he is doing well :)
  • Neighbor two doors down just had an argument with someone, for the past few days there were flowers and apology notes sitting at the front of their door, curious how it worked out
  • Shared with mom the daily album I kept and she said it’s ‘我在好好生活的证明’, loved the way she looked at it


  • Made dumplings with mom, wonder if it might be fun cooking with friends sometimes
  • Dyed the tip of my hair gold and cut it right after, unfortunately no pics :’)
  • Submitted an Obsidian plugin, added two features to random note generation, currently under review
  • Went on a date while still in Cali, realized I still get a lot to learn about understanding what the other is feeling
  • Moved back to Pittsburgh and unpacking things at the new apartment, excited for the new start :p


  • Started learning SwiftUI through Stanford CS193P
  • Paused on learning Hiphop, though do plan to pick it back up
  • Played 27 games of League and hit Bronze for the first time
  • Baked fries, oatmeal cookies and bread, plan to make egg tart next
  • Joined Anime Expo with Steve and Steven, had a fun time


  • Came back to California, currently staying in my parent’s house
  • Started The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
  • Started Hiphop, currently learning how to cooridnate between upper and lower body
  • Changed all keyboard input to 小鹤双拼, if you are willing to chat in chinese and bare my 5 wpm I will buy you food when I see you :’)